👋 Human-Centered AI and Learning (HAIL) lab is a Communication, Media and Learning Technologies Design (CMLTD) Program affiliated lab at Teachers College, Columbia University
Human-Centered AI and Learning (HAIL) lab explores research and topics on AI in education, AI Literacy, Robotics, Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining, Chatbots, Conversational Agents, and Natural Language Processing. These topics/technologies are often interlinked/ connected and found in many of our surroundings. The lab was previously known as STEAM Garage. Welcome all to join our activities, guest-speaker lectures, seminars or workshop!
<aside> ✋ Any questions are welcome. Contact us via email or Slack
We have successfully organized workshops and guest-speaker sessions in the past semesters. Thanks for your support! The followings are the recaps.
M.A., Ph.D. Stanford University